Thursday, December 9, 2010

Latin Mass

When I was first approached about doing an all-school Latin Mass, I have to admit I was a little apprehensive. Having never attended a Latin Mass myself, about all I knew was that it was different. But I did know that schoolchildren need predictable routines and worried that this would be too different for the kids. The vast majority had no idea that there was anything but an English Mass. I also had no clue as to how to teach the Latin Mass to over 550 kids. But I knew that exposing them to our Catholic heritage was a good thing.

Thankfully, Mrs. Taylor, our music teacher stepped up. With guidance from Mr. Chione at the parish center, she was able to teach Ms. Nardone's 8th grade class to lead the Mass. She spent much of her available time in this endeavor. Her efforts certainly paid off. The Mass on Wednesday was really something to behold. The singers were phenomenal!

I have always known what wonderful kids we have at this school. But to watch their reverence and respect for the Latin Mass was incredible. They were truly the best behaved students I have ever seen. I applaud Mrs. Taylor's direction and thank her for putting all my fears to rest. She truly is a blessing to our school!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Honor Roll

Yesterday, was our first Honor Roll assembly held after Mass. We had many parents in attendance. Congratulations to all the honor roll students for all their hard work this past quarter. Special congratulations go to the winners of our prestigious Leadership Awards. Not only were these kids on the honor roll, but they received all 3's in conduct and effort which is hard to do consistently in all subjects. Congratulations to: Nick H., Hutch G., Molly S., Fred S., and McKimmon E. for a job well done.

Magazine Drive

Last Thursday, we had lots of happy kids. They were rewarded for all of their hard work selling magazine subscriptions. We gave away dress down days, money pillows, money, stuffed snakes, Zyclones, jump rockets, walking pigs, water balloon launchers, and Tootsie Roll banks. Anneke N. even won $200 in the postcard drawing! Ian C. deserves special recognition because he sold 70 subscriptions helping to earn his classroom a pizza party. All of the students' hard work paid off. We reached our goal of $50,000, and Msgr. and I are looking forward to spending time on the roof!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Catholic Identity

In the past two days I have seen very faithfilled expressions of our Catholic faith. Yesterday, after researching various Catholic saints, the fourth graders had a Saints Parade throughout the building. Not only did each student write a report of their saint and color a picture, but they dressed in costume as their saint! They went from room to room showing off their creativity and explaining the life of their chosen saint. It was a special reminder for all of us on how important the saints are in our own journey to heaven.

Today, Mrs. Robinson's fifth grade class participated in a prayer service for All Souls Day led by Fr. Randy. The students brought in an object that would remind them of a special "saint" from their own life that had died and who they planned to pray for this month. These names were placed on handprints located on a bulletin board as an extra reminder. Their room mother, Mrs. O'Donnell, then explained the Mexican custom of Day of the Dead and had refreshments that were suitable for this Mexican tradition. It was a wonderful way to experience All Souls Day.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Angelic Attitude Awards

Nothing motivates me more than recognizing our wonderful students who get caught being a "holy angel." It makes me stop and realize that we really have a great bunch of kids here in this school, and this is the best place to learn! Congratulations to the following students: Anneke N., Molly S., Isabella B., Jacob J., William Z., David B., Jared F., Loretta E., and Austin T.

Getting Ready for High School

It's hard to believe that we're already gearing up for our 8th graders to venture off to high school. Yesterday, the four Catholic high schools in our area (Aurora Central, Benet, Marmion, and Rosary) were here to showcase their prospective high schools. Throughout all the presentations, I marveled at how each one prepares students for the next step in their lives and always with Christ at the center of their educational programs. And again, I was humbled by the sacrifice of parents who make Catholic education a possibility for their children.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Angelic Attitude Awards

One of the most pleasurable aspects of my job has been awarding Angelic Attitude Awards. These awards are given to students who have made good choices and gone beyond normal good behavior. In essence they have been caught being a "holy angel." The really fun part for me is calling the parents to share the good news. I'm usually met with, "Oh no. I thought they'd done something wrong." No, this is something very very right. I am so proud of these kids!

So far, these students have received this honor: Leah A., Bella B., Michael C., Emme F., David B., Ella E., Samantha M., Aidan K., Jack T., Morgan W., Jordyn S., Cole R., Katlyn S., Quincy K., Joey C., Daniel M., and Daniel N. I'm hoping to have even more "holy angels" in the future.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Father Ery Day

Yesterday was bittersweet for the school. We had a very special day planned for Father Ery. The sad part for us is that he is leaving us after five years. He is such a gentle soul, and his presence added so much to our children's faith experience. But the happy part was the joy that we were able to provide for this wonderful priest. Father Ery celebrated Mass with our children. Then at lunch the teachers provided a potluck salad luncheon for him. He led the school in our noon prayer, The Angelus. The choir sang him a very special song. He was escorted through the junior high corridor by the kids singing Immaculate Mary. Father Ery was able to visit each classroom and receive spiritual bouquets from the students. These came in the forms of prayer booklets, paper flowers, a rosary wreath, poems, and posters. Finally, he received a uniquely Holy Angels send off...the traditional honking of car horns as the students left for the day. While it is sad to see him I go, I know he leaves knowing how much we appreciate all that he has done for our school community.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Spelling Books

Today we got our last shipment of spelling books. Now, these are not just any spelling books. These are NEW spelling books, as in having a published date within the past 2 years. They're so new that the covers are stiff and hard to open. They are bright and colorful. The pages are not crinkled or written upon. No, they are NEW! NEW! NEW! Yeah, we have new spelling books. Might not be one of those things most people might get excited about, but I am thrilled!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Great Teaching

Wow! Having finally made it into the majority of classrooms to observe, I am so impressed by the caliber of teaching that I see going on in the building. These teachers know how to ask questions and engage their learners. I've seen lectures, small group activities, overhead activities, vocabulary games, phonics skills, Bible lessons, and read alouds. But most importantly, I've seen teachers who are enthusiastic and loving what they do!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lunch Helpers

Today was one of those days when the weather just didn't seem to want to cooperate for us. It was wet and rainy outside, so we had to stay inside for recess. I have to admit...I hate indoor recess! We move kids to several locations throughout the building so they can be monitored by staff and lunch moms. Compared to being outside in the fresh air this has to feel like serving a detention for the kids. Plus it is so LOUD in these rooms!

I was doing my usual lunchtime strolls throughout the building when I came upon a sight that stopped me dead in my tracks. Inside the library were 30 second graders, neatly divided into boys and girls groups sitting on the floor raptly paying attention to a story. So what's so special about that you must be wondering? What was so special was that it wasn't an adult reading the story. It was two eighth grade lunch helpers reading to the younger kids! These two helpers had taken it upon themselves to find a story to read to their little charges to entertain them. I even overheard them using different voices for the different characters in the story. Wow! The older kids reading to the younger ones -that's just about the best advertisement for reading and being a role model that I can think of. It doesn't get much better than that!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Everybody Reads!

You could feel the excitement in the air in the library this morning! Mrs. Cox had laid out tables of books and the second graders were busy making wish lists. These were going to be their very own lists of books that they'd like to read "sometime" this school year. They were buzzing around those tables and squealing with delight when they found a book that they just had to read. I watched them from the doorway and could barely contain my own excitement watching these children magically drawn to the wonder of books. And if that wasn't enough, our school nurse, secretary, administrative assistant, resource teacher, aides, counselor, and building maintenance supervisor were there digging into the books right alongside the kids and making their own lists. What amazing models they were of how important it is to read! Thank you, Mrs. Cox for bringing out all those books for the kids to delight in. I applaud Mrs. Classen and Mrs. Catich for their creative approach to hooking their kids into books. What a great way to show their students that everybody reads!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Feeling Very Blessed

I have to admit I was a bit nervous when Father Randy told me right before Mass started that he was going to call me up to the front of the church for a special blessing. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not comfortable being the center of attention. I know I will get more comfortable the more I'm in this role, but for now it's a bit unnerving knowing that everyone is watching me.

But standing there while Father Randy prayed for me was truly a moving experience. His words meant so much to me. I want to do a good job as principal and having him pray for me gives me the strength to do what God has called me to do. And if that wasn't enough, to know that all those kids (especially my daughter) had their hands outstretched over me gave me such a sense of peace. When they recited the Hail Mary, I thought I was going to cry. Oh, the power of prayer! It was truly a great beginning to what I know is going to be a wonderful adventure.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day

Everything was in place...the floors were shiny, the gym floor glistened, the desks were clean, and the hallways were decorated. As the teachers gathered to pray before the doors officially opened on the 2010-2011 school year, you could feel the anticipation in the air as we awaited the arrival of our students.

When they finally did arrive, it was obvious that all the hard work was worth the effort. The kids were smiling, happy, and glad to be back to school!