When I was first approached about doing an all-school Latin Mass, I have to admit I was a little apprehensive. Having never attended a Latin Mass myself, about all I knew was that it was different. But I did know that schoolchildren need predictable routines and worried that this would be too different for the kids. The vast majority had no idea that there was anything but an English Mass. I also had no clue as to how to teach the Latin Mass to over 550 kids. But I knew that exposing them to our Catholic heritage was a good thing.
Thankfully, Mrs. Taylor, our music teacher stepped up. With guidance from Mr. Chione at the parish center, she was able to teach Ms. Nardone's 8th grade class to lead the Mass. She spent much of her available time in this endeavor. Her efforts certainly paid off. The Mass on Wednesday was really something to behold. The singers were phenomenal!
I have always known what wonderful kids we have at this school. But to watch their reverence and respect for the Latin Mass was incredible. They were truly the best behaved students I have ever seen. I applaud Mrs. Taylor's direction and thank her for putting all my fears to rest. She truly is a blessing to our school!